Congregations B’Nai Israel and Montefiore

At some point, two Jewish congregations purchased or were given burial sections within the boundaries of the Salt Lake City Cemetery. Both are located in the lower southeast corner of the cemetery. The larger of the two belongs to Congregation B’Nai Israel. Rather than placing flowers on a grave, Jews often place rocks on or near the grave marker. This is most evident in the Congregation Montefiore Section.

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Persons of Interest

The two oldest Jewish cemeteries are indicated by: (CBI) = Congregation B’Nai Israel and (CM) = Congregation Montefiore. All but Nathan Rosenblatt are located in the CBI section. I could find no plat maps of the cemeteries, so you will have to do some searching to find the individuals, but the cemeteries are small. Maps: City Cemetery (which includes both) or just B’Nai Israel

1) Rosenblatt, Nathan (CM) May 1866 – Feb 1946
Businessman whose iron foundry and machinery business became Eirnco. Set up Utah’s first steel mill at Midvale.

2) Abravanel, Maurice (CBI) Jan 1903 – Sep 1993
Longtime conductor of the Utah Symphony. Through his efforts, the Symphony became one of the best in the United States and world renowned.

3) Auerbach, Samuel (CBI) Jun 1847 – Jun 1920
Frederick set up “The People’s Store” in Salt Lake in 1864. After he took on brother Samuel as partner it grew to become Auerbach’s Department Store.

4) Bamberger, Simon (CBI) Feb 1847 – Oct 1926
Fourth Governor State of Utah, 1917-21. One of the first Jewish Governors in the United States. Made his fortune in silver mining. Built and operated Salt Lake and Ogden Railroad. Built Lagoon resort. Member Salt Lake Board of Education, 1898-1903; state senator, 1903-07.

5) Brooks, Fanny (Isabell) (CBI) 1836 – 22 Aug 1901
Early Jewish businesswoman. Owner and operator of Mrs. Brooks, Millinery Store and Bakery (“Brooks Arcade,” 3rd South and State Streets). She became famous for her bonnets and bagels.

6) Brooks(Brucks), Julius Gerson (CBI) 1825 – 1892
He along with wife Fanny became first Jewish family to settle in the Salt Lake Valley. A “solid citizen” in the business and religious community.

7) Fox, Sidney Samuel (CBI) Jan 1889 – Mar 1980
Founder of TV Channel 4.

8) Kahn, Samuel (CBI) 1838 – 28 Jan 1885
Wholesale grocer. Initial member Liberal Party which he helped organize.

9) Marcus, Louis (CBI) 9 Jan 1880 – 6 July 1936
Nationally recognized Mayor Salt Lake City. Initiated Deer Creek (Water) Reclamation Project, created Salt Lake City Metropolitan Water District. 10) Moritz, Jacob (CBI) 22 Feb 1849 – 19__
This site is better known as EMO’s grave, subject of local legends and fables. Mr. Moritz was a brewer who ran the Salt Lake Brewing Company. After cremation, his ashes were placed in an urn that could be viewed through the grate in the door. Vandals have broken the urn. For more on Moritz, see the Daughters of Utah Pioneers’ Treasures of Pioneer History — Vol. 1, p.358.

11) Morris, Isodor(e) (CBI) Mar 1844 – 9 Dec 1906
Businessman, merchant. Prominent leader in Jewish community. Earned gratitude of Mormon community when he intervened on their behalf when charged and incarcerated for violation of Federal law against polygamy.

12) Ransohoff, Nicholas Siefried (CBI) @1833 – 1884
Early Jewish merchant and freighter. Member Utah’s first Masonic Lodge, founded at Camp Floyd. Friend of Brigham Young to whom he sold his store, one of seven local businesses purchased to form ZCMI. One of founders of liberal (non-Mormon) political party.

13) Roe, Benjamin Milton (CBI) 1898 – Dec 1982
Nationally recognized for contributions to Jewish and humanitarian causes. Provided funds to University of Utah library to establish Judaica and Hebraica collection, one of best in the Intermountain West, and similar collections at BYU, U.S.U., Westminister College. A founder of the ACLU and a scholarship fund for underprivileged minority groups.

14) Watters, Leon Laizer (CBI) 1877 – Apr 1967
World famous chemist, industrialist, author, historian. Designed first portable steam disinfector for the army. Local philanthropist. Close friend of Albert Einstein.

15) Wintrobe, Maxwell Myer (CBI) 1901 – Dec 1986
Hernatologist, professor at and Dean of University of Utah College of Medicine. Helped establish a four year medical school there.

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