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Address: 200 N Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84103
Directions: East on N Temple to 950 East (N Street). North to 4th Avenue.
Phone: 596-5020 (Salt Lake City Corporation)
Burial Plots: 140,000
Burials: 105,300
Size: 250 acres
Established: 1847
First Burial: 1847

The Salt Lake City Cemetery contains about 120 acres of ground, lying between N and U Streets and Fourth Avenue and the Wasatch Boulevard. The Jewish and Catholic cemeteries directly adjacent on Fourth Avenue and the Boulevard are privately owned, but the Japanese cemetery west of the Mausoleum is part of the Salt Lake City cemetery proper.

It is laid out in rectangular plats lettered from A to X in the order of their development. Between the plats are the principal streets. These, extending from east to west, are named Main, Center, Cypress and East Streets. Each plat is subdivided into blocks whose dimensions are two by six or eight rods. A single lot, one rod square, will hold eight adult graves. On the sexton’s records, each grave is numbered by plat, block, lot and grave, so that each grave is located exactly.

George B. Wallace, who once had an extensive lumber business in Boston, employing hundreds of men, and acted as undertaker in Nauvoo, and his wife Melissa lost two children the first year they were in the valley. Wallace is said to have dug the first civilized graves in the Valley. The first interment was of Mary M. Wallace, his own child, Sept. 27, 1848 (two months before the first burial in the Kimball & Whitney Cemetery).

The Journal History of the Church for 1849 has the following entries: “Feb. 17, 1849…. The Council met in Phelp’s schoolroom at 10:30 a.m…. Daniel H. Wells, Joseph Heywood and George B. Wallace were appointed a committee to select a suitable place for a burying ground.” A few weeks later Pres. Brigham Young attended a Council meeting in the schoolroom. “Daniel H. Wells, of the committee on selecting a site for a burying ground, said the committee were now prepared to report. They thought the most suitable place was northeast of the city. Twenty acres was included in the survey.”

It was natural that Mr. Wallace should lead the committee to his two little graves. They were the first burials in that location and became the first entries on the record. A beautiful granite monument now marks the spot on Plat C, Lot 6. The Civil War veterans have a fine flagpole on the same plat.

In January of 1851, an ordinance having been passed by the General Assembly of the state of Deseret “Incorporating Great Salt Lake City,” a city council was organized which administered the affairs of the graveyard. The following extracts were taken from the minutes of the council:

Feb. 1856. Mayor Jedediah M. Grant instructed the committee on municipal laws to take some measures in fencing the burying ground.

N. V. Jones represented to the council that in the western part of the 15th Ward (east side of the Jordan River between 300 South and South Temple Streets), where water can be obtained by digging at a depth of three feet, the inhabitants inter their dead in many instances on their lots, and the waters continually filtering through the corpse must be unwholesome and liable to engender disease. The committee was also instructed to get up an ordinance forbidding any persons to inter their dead on their lots, and requiring such persons as have interred their dead on their lots to remove them to the burying ground in the graveyard, unless by petition they are otherwise permitted to bury on their lots.

April 1856. The subject of permitting certain deceased persons interred upon their city lots remain undisturbed was taken into consideration by the council. When it was motioned and carried that the deceased family of President H. C. Kimball now interred upon his city lot be suffered to remain; That the remains of the departed father and mother of George A. Smith viz. John Smith, patriarch, and wife, his consort, be permitted to remain where they are interred.

June 23, 1863. Ald. Clayton and members of the council said that complaints had reached them in regard to the manners in which graves had been dug verging some of them 15 from the line; Coffins also made too long; also that the road leading through the graveyard was open for teams passing to camp, and the ground was desecrated by parties of men resorting there for drinking and recreation; also that the wall was old and rusty; and that for the proper interment of the dead a new hearse should be obtained. Messrs. Sheets, Burton and McKean were appointed a committee to bring in a report to the council.

July 7, 1863. The special committee reported as follows;
To the Mayor and City Council
Gentlemen—Your committee to whom was referred the subject of changing the road passing through the cemetery, and repairing the wall, with other matters pertaining thereto, respectfully report that they have located a road beginning at a point on the Old Road east of the cemetery and running a south-easterly direction until it intersects South Temple Street. The estimated cost for grading said road is from one to two hundred dollars, and the wall around the cemetery is in a very dilapidated condition and the estimated cost for repairs and putting up suitable gates is from ten to twelve hundred dollars. Your committee would recommend the measures be taken at an early date to have the newly located road graded, the wall around the cemetery repaired, and that a good hearse be procured at the expense of the city. (The report was adopted and the committee instructed to complete the work.)

Sept. 15th. The new sexton, Frederick. A. H. F. Mitchell, complained that graves protruded into the road, and that vehicles drove over lots, knocking down head boards, etc. He asked for improvements of the roads and bridges, and for a stone house 12 x 14 feet to be erected to serve as a shelter and to house tools. Corner stones are to be placed to mark the plats, the east gate is to be closed, and a complete plat of the cemetery is to be made. The sexton asked five dollars be charged for use of the hearse, horses, and two men on the day of a funeral. Feb. 22nd. Resolution passed the council prohibiting the burial of murderers in the city cemetery. May 10, 1864. The council approved the following charges to be made by the sexton:

Coffin, per running foot – $1.75
Recording – $ .25
Digging grave – $2.00
Recording certificate – $.25
Grave over 4 feet – $3.00
Lot (Lot in Ravine for less.) – $12.00
Conveying Coffin to City – $1.50
Conveying dead to grave – $3.50
Porter engaged per day – $2.00

The LDS Church owned the cemetery at first and a burial site was free. It was smaller then. When the city wall was built, it came east on 4th Avenue, then south at N Street, the SW corner of the cemetery. When the city took control a few years later, the cost for a plot was 25 cents. Not until the turn of the century did the city treat the cemetery as a Victorian park. As of June 8, 1994, there were 112,584 persons buried on 252 acres. The cost now is $600 for a grave site, $100 for perpetual care, and $300 for opening and closing the grave. The LDS Church owns a portion of the sites left, some being reserved for the poor.

The beautification of the cemetery has depended upon the water supply. Some families cleared their lots, fenced them in, or surrounded them with a stone coping, and planted trees and hardy shrubs that survived with the natural rainfall. In 1881 a well was dug to the depth of nearly 1,000 feet, then abandoned. For thirty years, the opening was guarded with a barbwire fence and warning notices of “Danger” and “Keep Out.” Finally in 1915 the well was filled in. Today this Block 19 contains the Chinese cemetery with its delicately lettered granite headstones scarcely protruding above the green grass and very near the site of the old well was placed a Chinese joss house, a square cement box where, when a burial took place, a part of the clothing of the deceased, prayers written on paper, and incense were burned.

When the high water line was piped in from upper City Creek and the equalizing reservoir built, water under a good pressure became available to every part of the cemetery. Many of the upper plats are equipped with a sprinkling system. With the water came beauty. In 1900, the Park Plat just north of the sexton’s house was opened with perpetual care. A large section of this plat is reserved for the veterans of the Spanish American War. A fine flagpole is there and the number of white marble headstones is attractive.

In 1906, perpetual care was extended to the whole cemetery and by 1915 such a growth of trees and shrubs, many of them evergreens, had developed that the hillside was nearly a forest.

A number of the plats in the cemetery are of special interest. The Strangers’ Plat is northeast of the main entrance in Plat B, Block 4 and contains the remains of those who died in early days while en route to or from California during the gold rush.

To the northeast on a grassy western slope in Plat T is what is known as Pauper’s Field. Here are buried those without relatives or friends to care for them or are unknown to the authorities. No matter who the person is, he has a decent burial. Either a minister, Mormon elder, or the sexton dedicates the grave.

At the head of Center Street are five blocks given by the city to the LDS Church for the burial of their indigent poor, and others. Near the southwest corner of the first block is a handsome monument erected by Mormon elders to the memory of Chief Whaanga, a Maori chief who joined the Church years ago and came here from New Zealand with many of his people.

John W. Dawson, Governor, and Jean Baptiste, Grave Robber

(This story has three episodes.)

I. Utah Territorial Governor (1861), John W. Dawson (1820-1877)

The Civil War began in April 1861. Territorial Governor, Alfred Cumming, a democrat from Georgia, left Utah in May 1861, knowing that Republican Abraham Lincoln would not reappoint him. Lincoln sent John W. Dawson to replace him.

Dawson was a 41-year-old Indiana newspaper editor and frequent candidate for political office, which he never won. He was, however, politically well-connected in the East. Never before or since has a governor managed to do so much, so wrong, in so little time.

Utah Territory’s “three-week” governor stepped from the stagecoach in Great Salt Lake City on December 7, 1861, and immediately thrashed about in the quicksand of Mormon politics.

On the 9th of that month the Utah Legislature convened in regular session at Salt Lake City. A bill—Council File No. 2—was introduced for an act providing for a convention of delegates for the formation of a constitution and state government. This bill, being passed by both branches of the Legislature, was presented to Governor Dawson and by him vetoed. Three days after his arrival, he inflicted a long academic message on the legislature in which he strongly implied the disloyalty of the “Mormon” people, and urged the prompt devising of means for the collection of the direct, special, federal tax – the war tax – in order “to vindicate the community of the charge of disloyalty.”

Utahns in general had no abiding interest in helping the North one way or another in its collision with the South. The territory had sent no volunteers to the Civil War, and in a Fourth of July speech that year, apostle John Taylor had emphasized: “We know no north, no south, no east, no west; we abide strictly and positively by the Constitution, and cannot by the intrigues or sophism of either party, be cajoled into any other attitude.” Brigham Young was even more adamant. “I will see them in hell first before I raise an army to fight their war.” His attitude toward Dawson was cold as ice.

The governor, still preening in his new role as chief executive, injected himself into Mormon society by attending a ball for the Legislature. Evidently he found the company pleasant. But two days later he (age 41) was humiliated by Albina Williams (age 35), widow of Thomas S. Williams, murdered in 1860 by Indians in the Mojave Desert. She drove Dawson from her house with the business end of a fireplace shovel because, the young widow said, he made a lewd and vulgar proposition.

Brigham Young was told “Governor Dawson has threatened to shoot [T.B.H.] Stenhouse if he published anything about [Dawson’s] wishes to sleep with Tom Williams’ wife [or] his offer to [pay] $3,000 for her not to tell.” This and some other “gallantries” drove him into the seclusion of his lodgings, where he was reported as both sick and insane. Wilford Woodruff jotted in his journal, “Dawson cannot hold up his head in the streets and look people in the face…” On Dec. 31, just three weeks after he arrived in the city, Dawson, accompanied by a Dr. Chambers, hightailed it on the mail stage “a disgraced, debauched libertine.”

According to Hal Schindler, at Eph Hank’s Stage Station in Mountain Dell east of the city, Dawson prepared to board the stagecoach. Unfortunately for the chief executive, the driver, Wood Reynolds, chanced to be related to the outraged widow. When Dawson approached, Reynolds knocked him down. The governor struggled back to the station, the grim-faced stage driver on his heels. Reynolds left Dawson unconscious, beaten within an inch of his life. (According to B.H. Roberts, a number of lawless men gathered in at Mountain Dell during the evening; there was some drinking, and Dawson was cruelly beaten and robbed.) Next morning the battered victim and other passengers departed on the eastbound coach. Reynolds returned to the city.

On January 1, 1862, the Deseret News reported that Governor Dawson had hired bodyguards to escort him from the territory, promising $100 to each.

From Bear River station near the present Utah-Wyoming border, January 7, Dawson wrote a letter to the Deseret News, which was printed 22 Jan 1862, with his version of the attack and naming “the ruffians involved.” He claimed he had not hired these men. He said that Eph Hanks had ridden up and told him that there were some desperate men in the city who it was possible might follow him. Dawson had asked Ephraim Hanks to guard him, but Hanks had sent Maroni Clawson instead, to whom Dawson paid $5. It was Clawson and seven others who assaulted him. The names of his assailants were Isaac Neibaur, Wood Reynolds, Jason, John M., and Wilford Luce, John Smith, Moroni Clawson, and Lot Huntington. (According to Richard Dewey, these were members of Lot Huntington’s gang.) Writs were obtained against these parties. Three of them, Smith, Clawson and Huntington, stole horses and attempted to leave for California;

Meanwhile, an affidavit from the widow Williams, describing Dawson’s “insulting behavior” in detail, was finding its way to Washington, where it would cause a minor sensation in the U.S. Senate. President Lincoln claims to have been imposed upon in the appointment of Dawson. “The senate relieved him from the imposition by refusing to confirm the appointment.”

The People’s Press in Bluffton, Indiana, also hinted darkly at Dawson’s past, lashing out editorially at its fellow Hoosier: “He is a poor, despised and hated ruffian, without a solitary friend of any influence on earth, outside of his own printing office. This is not the first time that [a] community has been sickened and disgusted with the infamy and crime of John Dawson.”

As for the rogues named by Dawson as responsible for his rough exit from the territory, their futures were even more bleak: Lot Huntington was killed in a gunfight with Orrin Porter Rockwell, 16 Jan1862; and Moroni Clawson and John P. Smith were shot and killed shortly thereafter by police who swore they attempted to escape. The men killed were guilty of other robberies besides that committed on Governor Dawson, and their tragic taking off was not regretted by the general community. The remainder of the party were remanded for trial.

Reynolds was fined $25 for the assault [he was reported to have been the worst offender]. He was killed by Indians who attacked his stage in 1863, not far from the 6th hole at Thanksgiving Point golf course. Jason Luce was fined $50 for his part and prior record. He was executed by firing squad in 1864 as a convicted murderer.

II. Porter Rockwell and Lot Huntington

Lot, son of Dimick B. Huntington, Indian missionary and interpreter and good friend of Brigham Young, had a history of law-breaking. Hosea Stout recounts in his diary that Lot was tried for harassing U. S. Army personnel, got in a gang-style fight with Bill Hickman (Christmas Day in front of the Townsend Hotel over a disagreement about cattle rustling; both men were wounded), was arrested as an accessory to another shooting but released for lack of evidence, and was arrested for stealing government mules. His grave location at the city cemetery and on the Utah State Historical Society’s cemetery data base [E-7-8–] is incorrect. A previous sexton identified his grave in the “pauper” section, roughly B-3, verified that he had served in the Mexican War, and persuaded the U.S. government to provide a flat military stone to mark the location.

What happened to Lot, Clawson, and Smith was reported years later, in 1924, by Glynn Bennion of the Salt Lake Tribune. (Glynn, a relative of Sam Bennion, was born, 1882. The report is long, detailed, and may include some fabrication.) One thing is clear. Lot Huntington stole a horse, named Brown Sal, from Sam[uel] Bennion in West Jordan, apparently while Sam and others were attending a “tithing settlement” party, and was headed towards California in company with Moroni Clawson and John P. Smith.

After a futile effort at locating the mare, Sam walked home, procured another horse and paid a visit to Porter Rockwell, a well-known scout and lawman. Porter and apparently agreed to help and after some effort, apparently located the footprints of Brown Sal heading south.

There are three accounts of what happened on January 16. None of the accounts explain the days between January 1 to the 16th. All agree that Porter Rockwell fired the weapon that killed Lot.

Bennion claims that Lot’s death took place at Doc’ Faust’s stage station west of Camp Floyd (Cedar Valley). Lot allegedly used Brown Sal as a shield as he began removing bars from the corral entrance in order to escape. As he was removing the last bar or pole, he jerked a little too vigorously. “The end of it rebounded and struck the mare in the flank.. Plunging away from it, she momentarily exposed the outlaw to someone’s hiding place [Porter’s]. In that instant the bad man got a half-dozen buckshot in the chest. He fell dead across the slanting bars.”

The Church’s Journal History reported: “Huntington drew his revolver where upon he was shot in the belly with 8 slugs cutting the arteries to pieces. Huntington fell with part of his body in the corral and one leg outside of the corral. He bled to death in four minutes. Moroni Clawson and John Smith surrendered without any more difficulty.”

Hal Schindler, in his biography of Porter Rockwell, claimed Rockwell shot Lot as he cavalierly mounted Brown Sal, where he bled to death dangling from the saddle.

Dale Morgan wrote that Lot was killed at Fish Springs on the southern rim of the Salt Desert, and the posse took the other two in charge. [Fish Springs was probably the wrong location as it is more than a day’s travel by horse from Salt Lake City, where Clawson, Smith and the dead Huntington were delivered the morning following Lot’s death.]

On the way back to Salt Lake City, Porter encountered Howard Egan and the two exchanged words, though no mention was made of the killing, according to Egan in his journal.

Moroni Clawson and John P. Smith were left in the hands of three or four Salt Lake City policemen, who were apparently taking them to the county prison, when they allegedly broke for freedom and were shot dead on the street at 5 A.M. [Friday, January 17].

The Deseret News, on Jan 22, thanked Mr. Rockwell and those who were with him and assisted in making the arrests.

In his book, Rocky Mountain Saints, p. 419, T.B.H. Stenhouse voiced the opinion of the skeptics with the following footnote: “It was believed that the prisoners were walking in front of the officers when the latter quietly put their revolvers to the back of their heads and ‘stopped them.'”

III. Jean Baptiste (John Baptist), grave robber

Jean Baptiste was born in 1814, reportedly in Venice, Italy, and was attracted to the Australian goldfields in the early 1850s.

The colony of Victoria, the port and principle city being Melbourne, produced one-third of the world’s gold found in the 1850s.Victoria was universally assailed as containing the worst of humanity. Augustus Farnham, the third president of the Australian mission noted to Brigham Young in 1856, “This is a land of darkness. The devil himself I believe is ashamed of many of these inhabitants [and] if he is not I am.”

Presiding Elder of the Victoria Conference, 1853-4, Burr Frost, wrote, “I generally meet in this country the most profane men of all that [are] addicted to bad habits.”

Joseph Kelly, a missionary there in 1856-7, wrote, “This is as near the gates of hell I wish to be” adding that he felt little desire to convert the people as “they would only be a curse to our Society at home.”

How prophetic he would be as it was here, at the Elder’s tent just outside Castlemaine, Victoria (about 70 miles northwest of Melbourne), that Baptiste first came in contact with the Mormon Church. This was in 1854. He could not speak English very well, but believed the Bible to be the word of God. He claimed to have been raised as a Roman Catholic, but saw much error and concluded to join the Church of England. He soon tired of them and joined the Methodists, for which he had built a wood-frame chapel, 60 x 35 feet in size, where he lived in a small partitioned section and held weekly Methodist services.

The Mormon elders requested he put off baptism until he had more time to reflect on his decision. He refused, was baptized, and offered his chapel to the Castlemaine branch of the church.

Burr Frost had been working for some time to organize the first exodus of converts from Victoria to Utah. On April 27, 1855, Baptiste joined seventy-one other passengers aboard the ill-fated Tarquinia, an old, leaky ship that never got its passengers past Hawaii. The emigrants split up, worked and waited for other passage to San Francisco. Baptiste arrived there in late February, 1856. Here he opened a business, making and selling all kinds of trusses (belts, suspenders, knee caps, laced stockings, wooden legs, abdominal belts, slide splints, etc.).

By 1858, Baptiste had made his way to Salt Lake City and by 1859 had been hired to dig graves and bury the dead at the city cemetery east of the city. He built a small home on Third Avenue, just south of the cemetery on Fourth Avenue. He married a “simple-minded” woman and together opened a millinery and tailor’s shop. His ghoulish, illegal activities would finally come to light, 27 Jan 1862, but his crime began to unravel ten days earlier with the death of Moroni (“Rone”) Clawson and John P. Smith on 200 South, 17 Jan 1862.

Clawson’s body initially went unclaimed (the record contains no information regarding John P. Smith, or where he is buried). Local police officer Henry Heath, in a humanitarian gesture, paid to have Clawson properly clothed for burial. Days later, some of Clawson’s family obtained permission from the sexton, Jesse C. Little (former Eastern States mission president, who worked with Thomas L. Kane to get Pres. Polk to authorize the Mormon Battalion), to exhume the body and remove it to Draper (where it can be found, today, next to Phoebe Draper Brown). Upon opening the coffin, they found the body naked.

Shortly thereafter, George Clawson confronted Officer Heath, expressing his disgust over how his brother had been buried in such a disgraceful manner, despite Heath’s adamant denial to the contrary. Frustrated and suspicious, George solicited the help of Judge Elias Smith, who ordered an investigation.

Heath first approached Sexton Little, who could shed no light on the event. From there, Heath, Clawson, and two other men went to Baptiste’s home on Third Avenue, where the found only his wife at home. While making inquiries about her husband’s whereabouts, the men could not help noticing numerous boxes inside the house. A casual glance inside one of the boxes elicited surprise gasps as it revealed a “motely sickening heap of fresh-soiled linen” and “funeral shrouds.”

Many bundles of grave clothes were found along with a large box filled with infant’s clothing, about sixty pairs of children’s shoes, and “about a dozen men’s garments, including shirts, caps, socks and many parts of suits of females.”

Officer Heath became particularly incensed over the morbid discovery. He feared the grave of his “idolized” daughter, who had been buried in the cemetery, had also been desecrated. Heath decided to kill Baptiste then and there in the graveyard if his suspicions should be confirmed. The men proceeded through the snow to the cemetery and found Baptiste (one report had him picking up cobble stones, another had him digging a new grave). He was reportedly wearing a “broadcloth Prince Albert suit” in which a local saloonkeeper had recently been buried.

Wrote Heath later of the confrontation:
I at once charged him with robbing the dead and he fell upon his knees calling God to witness that he was innocent. The evidence was too strong and I choked the wretch into a confession when he begged for his life as a human being never pleaded before. I dragged him to a grave near my daughter’s and pointing to it inquired: “Did you rob that grave?” His reply was “Yes.” Then directing his attention to the mound of earth which covered my child’s remains (Section E-13-3-1/2-NO) I repeated the question with bated breath and with the firm resolve to kill him should he answer in the affirmative. “No, no not that one; not that one.” That answer saved the miserable coward’s life.

News of Baptiste’s confession spread quickly and it was with difficulty that Officer Heath was able to get Baptiste safely to jail. Late in the afternoon of the next day, Baptiste was carted back to the cemetery to identify the graves he had robbed, but would point out only about a dozen for fear people would rise up in anger and kill him.

In the morning of January 28, all the clothes found in Baptiste’s house were displayed at the county courthouse, where “several hundred funeral suits” covered a “broad table fifty feet in length.” People by the hundreds passed through, examining and identifying most of the clothing. The pathetic spectacle of a grief-stricken mother identifying articles of clothing from a child or a husband or wife recognizing the funeral apparel of the life partner who had preceded them into the unseen world was a sight not to be quickly forgotten.

The following day, January 29, “ten or eleven” graves that Baptiste had denied robbing were dug up with “3 or 4” of the bodies found stripped. The “considerable dirt with the bodies” made the viewing a morbid sight. Baptiste had not only stripped the bodies but dumped them out of their coffins, which he used for kindling wood “with no more concern than if he were eating his dinner.” Other graves Baptiste admitted to robbing were also opened, and as expected, all the bodies were found naked.

Further questioning revealed that Baptiste had been “carrying on his hellish work” for the past three and a half years, claiming his only motive was to sell the clothes. Police Officer Albert Dewey, however, stated that Baptiste hoarded the clothes about his house as a miser would his gold, admitting “the devil was in him.” Baptiste also confessed that he had robbed the dead in Australia and built a meeting house (Castlemaine, mentioned earlier) with the avails of the robbery.

Reports estimated Baptiste had robbed about three hundred graves, principally those of women and children. At first many doubted that such a thing could possibly happen, but further reopened graves revealed many bodies stripped of their clothing. The locals became so incensed over the situation that it was only with the greatest difficulty that the police were able to control the mobs that gathered each day at the prison and threatened a lynching. Judge Elias Smith wrote that had the police not locked Baptiste in the farthest recesses of the jail, “the populace would have torn him to pieces, such was the excitement produced by the unheard of occurrence.”

Wild stories began circulating through the city regarding the dead. Some had dreams; others claimed to have heard rapping on the floor, on beadsteads or tables, imagining that they were hearing from the spirits of the dead calling upon their friends. Burying the dead in the proper clothing (especially temple clothing) was of great importance to the people of that time [and still is] .

In response to intense public feeling reaching a “feverish state of excitement” and the wide concern of the people for their dead, Brigham Young addresses the issue at the Salt Lake Tabernacle on February 9, 1862, excerpts which follow:

It appears that a man named John Baptiste had practiced robbing the dead of their clothing in our grave yard during some five years past. If you wish to know what I think about it, I answer, I am unable to think so low as to fully get at such a mean contemptible trick. I have three sisters in the grave yard in this city, and two wives and several children, besides other connections and dear relatives. I have not been to open any of their graves to see whether they were robbed, and I do not mean to do so. I gave them as good a burial as I could; and in burying our dead, we all have made everything as agreeable and comfortable as we could to the eye and taste of the people in their various capacities, according to the best of our judgments; we have done our duty in this particular, and I for one am satisfied.

Many are anxious to know what effect it will have upon their dead who have been robbed…[We] have done our duty in this particular, and I for one am satisfied…the Saints will come forth with all the glory, beauty, and excellence of resurrected Saints clothed as they were when they were laid away.

Brigham told them they might do as they pleased with regard to taking up their friends:

If I should undertake to do anything of the kind, I should clothe them completely and then lay them away again. And If you are afraid of their being robbed again, put them in your gardens, where you can watch them by day and night until you are pretty sure that the clothing is rotted, and then lay them away in the burying ground. I would let my friends lay and sleep in peace.

Some may inquire whether it is necessary to put fresh linen into the coffins of those who have been robbed….I will promise you that they will be well clothed in the resurrection, for the earth and the elements around it are full of these things….I would let my friends lay and sleep in peace. I am aware of the excited state of the feelings of the community; I have little to say about the cause of it; the meanness of the act is so far beneath my comprehension that I have not ventured to think much about it.

To hang a man for such a deed would not begin to satisfy my feelings. What shall we do with him? Shoot him? No, that would do no good to anybody but himself. Would you imprison him during life? That would do nobody any good. What I would do with him came to me quickly, after I heard of the circumstances: this I will mention, before I make other remarks. If it was left to me I would make him a fugitive and a vagabond upon the earth This would be my sentence, but probably the people will not want this done.

Ultimately, the police put all the soiled burial clothing in a large box and buried it in a single grave in the cemetery. But it was not so easy to dispose of Jean Baptiste. After keeping him in jail for a number of weeks, Brigham Young’s suggestion was followed.

Policeman Albert Dewey said, “It meant death to him to turn him loose in the community – death that he deserved and in any country would have received. But he was such a hateful object that the sooner and further away he got from sight without being put under the ground himself, the better every one would feel. So, to give him a chance for his life, to save him in realiaty from an exasperated public, it was decided to banish him, and a well-stocked island in the great Salt Lake was chosen for his future home.”

He was placed in a wagon and taken from the jail to Antelope Island, across the Antelope bar. There he was met by Henry and Dan Miller, who had agreed to convey Baptiste in their boat to Fremont Island, five miles north. The Millers had been using the island for their stock for some time and people referred to it as Miller’s Island. Using indelible ink, Baptiste was tattooed on his forehead with the words, “Grave Robber.” (Refuting false stories that had been told, the policemen that conveyed Baptiste to Antelope swore in later testimony that his ears had not been cut off, nor had he been branded, only tattooed with indelible ink.

The Miller brothers had erected on the island a shanty and stocked it with food. A visit to the island three weeks after the banishment, they found Baptiste had helped himself liberally to their provisions and was getting along well enough, but another trip to the island three weeks later disclosed the fact that the exile had flown. The roof and part of the sides of the cabin had been torn off. A part of the carcass of a three-year-old heifer was lying on the ground a short distance away, and a portion of the hide near by, but into thongs.

It was evident that with the tools found in the cabin, Baptiste had killed the heifer, built a raft from the logs and timber of the shanty and with this had made his escape from the island. It was believed he made his escape on the north, somewhere near the Promontory. According to Dewey, “it was reported some time afterward, on what would seem to be unquestioned authority that he was seen in a Montana mining camp and on being closely questioned by one who recognized him, confessed to being Jean Baptiste and related how he made his escape. Another rumor is that he joined himself to a westbound emigrant train went to the coast…then left San Francisco, where he feared he would be recognized and made his way to southern California, where he died.

Whatever the outcome, John [Jean] de Baptiste will continue to live on in infamy in Church annals as Australia’s most notorious convert.


Devitry-Smith, John”The Saint and the Grave Robber”, John BYU Studies, 1993, Vol. 33: 7-52.
Dewey, Richard L. Porter Rockwell: A Biography, Paramount Books, 1986, pp. 269-274.
Morgan, Dale L. The Great Salt Lake, Univ. of Neb. Press, 1947, pp. 272-282.
“Robber of the Dead,” Deseret Evening News, May 27, 1893.
Roberts, B.H., Comprehensive History of the Church, Vol.5, Ch.122, p.13.
Schindler, Harold, SL Trib., 08/20/1995; (
Utah State Historical Society news letter, “Currents”, Oct. 2001, p. 5.
Whitney, Orson F., History of Utah.

Some Names of Interest and Locations in the Salt Lake City Cemetery

Grave locations are identified, working from the largest to the smallest geographical spot, as in (Plat, Section, Sub-section, within sub-section). Locations listed (in parentheses) were taken from the Utah State Historical Society Burial Data at:

Angell, Truman Osborn (B-8-7-1/2-E) 5 June 1810 – 16 Oct 1887
Architect of L.D.S. Temple, Beehive House, Lion House, Eagle Gate and Historic Gardo House. L.D.S. Church Architect for many years.

Asper, Frank (F-10-18-2- ) 9 Feb 1892 – 8 Nov 1973
Salt Lake Tabernacle organist, 1924-1965.

Asper, William (P-11-5-1-E) 15 Apr 1836 – 13 June 1910
Carpenter, craftsman and architect. Built circular staircase in Assembly Hall on Temple Square.

Babcock, Maud May (U-30-10-1-E) 2 May 1867 – 31 Dec 1955
First women appointed to the University of Utah faculty. Founded the Departments of Speech and Physical Education, later chaired Speech Dept. Served 12 years as Chaplain of the Utah Senate, the first woman in the U.S. to hold that position. Organized the first college dramatic club in U.S.

Ballard, Melvin Joseph (PARK-34-10-2-W) 9 Feb 1873 – 30 July 1939
Apostle under President Grant. Opened South American Mission. Musician.

Beesley, Ebenezer (J-18-10) 18 Dec 1840 – 22 Mar 1906
Conductor of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir( 1880 – 90) and Salt Lake Theater orchestra. Founded Beesely Music Co. Composer, compiled a hymn book for the L.D.S. Church. Headstone is engraved with the music score from one stanza of “Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words,” a hymn he composed.

Bennett, Wallace Foster (West-11-90-5-E) 13 Nov 1898 – 19 Dec 1993
U.S. Senator 1951 – 75. Businessman. Father of current senator, Bob Bennett.

Bennion, Mervyn Sharp (WEST-3-148-1-CENT; 4 identical markers arranged in a square) 5/5/1887 – 7/12/1941
Congressional “Medal of Honor” recipient (posthumously). Captain, U.S. Navy. Born in Vernon. For conspicuous devotion to duty, extraordinary courage, and complete disregard of his own life, above and beyond the call of duty, during the attack on the Fleet in Pearl Harbor, by Japanese forces on 7 December 1941. As Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. West Virginia, after being mortally wounded, Capt. Bennion evidenced apparent concern only in fighting and saving his ship, and strongly protested against being carried from the bridge. He steered the ship to the beach before it sank, saving many lives.

Bernhisel, John Milton Dr. (B-15-10– ) 23 June 1799 – 28 Sept 1881
First Utah Territorial delegate to Congress (1851-1859, 1861-1863). Authority on political economics. Member first Univ. of Utah Board of Regents.

Bowen, Emma Lucy Gates (West-125) 5 Nov 1880 – 30 Apr 1951 (WEST-3-153-2-W )
World renowned opera singer. Formed Lucy Gates Opera Company. Taught and performed music throughout the west.

Brown, Hugh B. (WEST-3-153-2-W ) 24 Oct 1883 – 2 Dec 1975
First Counselor to President McKay. Popular L.D.S. Church leader. Attorney. First chairman of Utah Liquor Commission, 1935-37.

Bullock, Thomas (F-1-7– ) 23 Dec 1816 – 10 Feb 1885
Clerk to Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. 1847 Mormon Pioneer, First Company. First Recorder tor Salt Lake City and County. Chief clerk and director of the Deseret Mint. Clerk, Summit County.

Burton, Robert T (C-12-1-1-E), 1821 – 11/14/1907

Caine, John Thomas (J-2-1-1-E) 8 Jan 1829 – 20 Sept 1911
US Congress Territorial Delegate, 1883 – 93. Member State Constitutional Convention. Introduced first Congressional bill for Utah Statehood.

Cannon, George Q. (B-11-17-1E) 1 Jan 1827 – 12 April 1901
Counselor to President Young, First Counselor to Presidents Taylor, Woodruff and Snow. Early editor and printer of the Deseret News. Lost U.S. Senate seat for refusing to give up practice of plural marriage.

Cannon, Martha Maria Hughes Paul (C-5-14-5-E) 1 July 1857 – 10 July 1932
One of first female doctors in Utah. Specialized in public health and created the Utah State Board of Health. Utah State senator, first female state senator in the United States. Plural wife of Angus M. Cannon.

Carrington, Albert (D-10-11–) 1813 – 19 Sept 1889
Assessor, tax collector and treasurer of provisional Utah government. Helped Howard Stansbury conduct survey of Great Salt Lake, created very valuable engineering journal. Counselor to Brigham Young. L.D.S. Apostle and polygamist, later excommunicated for adultery. Only the lower half of his stone is left; it is two stones away from Alice R. Carrington.

Clark, J.(Joshua) Ruben, Jr. (WEST-3-120-4-CTR ) 1 Sept 1871 – 6 Oct 1961
Internationally renowned for skills in legal and diplomatic affairs. U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, 1930-33. Attorney of note, author. First Counselor to L.D.S. Presidents Grant, G. A. Smith and McKay.

Clark, John Clayton “Skippy” (WEST-3-11-5-E) 22 Mar 1937 – 16 Apr 1943
This small concrete marker is topped by a white painted lamb. On one side of the base the word
‘Skippy’ is spelled out in marbles.

Clawson, Moroni (PAUPER; probably in B-3 or B-4) 1/1/1839 – 1/17/1862 (See Huntington, Lot)

Clawson, Rudger (PARK-1-3-5-W) 12 Mar 1857 – 21 June 1943
First polygamist to be tried in Federal Court under the Edmunds Act. He was charged with double polygamy and unlawful cohabitation and spent 4 ½ years in prison, the longest of any polygamist. His missionary companion, Joseph Standing, was shot and killed at point-blank range in Georgia. He challenged the gunmen to shoot him, but they didn’t. He became an apostle.

Clayton, William (H-3-8– ) 17 July 1814 – 4 Dec 1879
Wrote words of popular L.D.S. hymn “Come, Come Ye Saints”, a rallying song of Mormons everywhere. Clerk to Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. Pioneer journalist, scribe, musician and composer. Member of the 1847 vanguard company.

Cowley, Matthew (N-2-16-1-E) 2 Aug 1897 – 13 Dec 1953
Apostle under Presidents G.A. Smith and McKay. South Pacific missionary. Gave sight to blind boy through a blessing.

Cowley, Matthias (N-2-15-1-EN2R) 25 Aug 1858 – 16 June 1940
Father of Matthew Cowley. Apostle, dropped from Quorum of the Twelve for refusing to give up practice of plural marriage. Deprived of Priesthood, membership later restored.

Crismon, Charles G., Jr. (PARK-25-8-1-E) 14 June 1844 – 26 Mar 1916
Operated first grist mill in the valley in City Creek Canyon. Leader in empire building of the West. Established one of first assaying firms in Utah. Certified many of the state’s major ore discoveries. Developed many silver mines, one of first to develop coal mines in Utah. Brought first bees to state and pioneered bee production and sheep ranching in UT.

Cutler, John Christopher (H-CA-14-3-E) 5 Feb 1846 – 30 July 1928
Second Governor of Utah, 1905-1909. Approved measure establishing juvenile courts. Businessman. Died of self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Daynes, Joseph J. (PARK-3-11-1-E) 2 April 1851 – 5 Jan 1920
First Tabernacle organist, from date organ was completed until 1900. Owned a music store.

Eldredge, Horace Sunderlin (D-11-6–) 2/6/1816 – 8/6/1888
Emigration agent at least 6 years, mostly in St. Louis. Opened business in Provo, 1854, with William H. Hooper. They opened a store in Salt Lake City, 1859, and both became founding members of ZCMI. He fathered 24 children with 4 different wives. He was the superintendent of ZCMI and president of two banks at his death.

Eldredge, Ira (not in data base, not far from Horace Eldredge) 3/30/1810 – 2/5 1866
Captained 3 companies across the plains. Brother of Horace, he fathered 20 children by two wives and another by a third wife.

Evans, Richard Louis (WEST-11-171-1-E ) 23 Mar 1906 – 1 Nov 1971
Voice of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir for 42 years. Longtime employee of KSL Radio. L.D.S. Apostle under Presidents McKay and Joseph Fielding Smith

Fitzgerald, Elizabeth Moyle (N-22-3-2-W) 9 June 1897 – 16 Jan 1961
Organized in 1923 what became Utah Federation of BPW Clubs with E. Coray.

Folsom, William (D-4-3-1-E ) 1816 – 3/2/1901

Folsom, William H. (D-4-3-1-E ) 25 Mar 1815 – 19 Mar 1901
Designed Manti Temple, historic Salt Lake Theater and Council Hall, which was moved from First South to Capitol Hill and now houses the Utah Travel Council.

Furster, John (I-17-6-1-WN2) 1860 – 12/7/1913
Wooden marker from 1914

Grant, Heber Jeddy (N-2-1-2-E) 22 Nov 1856 – 14 May 1945
Seventh President of the L.D.S. Church, 1918-45. First L.D.S. Church President to be born in Utah. Successful businessman in many areas, who had the respect of all Utahns.

Grant, Jedediah Morgan (F-13-9– ) 21 Feb 1816 -1 Dec 1856
First Mayor of Salt Lake City. Counselor to Brigham Young. Started the “Reformation of 1856” and died shortly, thereafter, at age 40. Heber J. Grant’s father. His wife, Caroline, was the second Mormon buried in Utah.

Heath, Sarah Mellissa (E-13-3-1/2-NO) 2/3/1852 – 4/6/1861
Young daughter of police officer, Henry Heath, who confronted the grave robber, Jean Baptiste, whom he choked into confession. Jean admitted robbing a grave nearby. Resolved to kill Baptiste if he admitted to robbing Sarah, Baptiste replied, “No, No, not that one; not that one.” Heath claimed that answer saved the miserable coward’s life.” (See Huntington, Lot for more information.)

Hiram Bebee (NORTH-2-30-2-E) died 2 June 1955
Hiram is thought by some to be the Sundance Kid, partner of Butch Cassidy. Adjacent is a grave site for inmates who died at the Utah State Prison.

Home, Alice Smith Merrill (PARK-3-8-2-E) 2 Jan 1868 – 7 Oct 1948
Utah State Representative, artist and teacher. Authored bill in 1899 organizing Utah Institute of Fine Arts, the nation’s first state association to foster the fine arts. Wrote Devotees and Their Shrines: A Handbook of Utah Art. Strongly promoted Intermountain artists. Served on L.D.S. Relief Society Board. Officer Daughters of Utah Pioneers.

Hooper, William H. (J-8-1– ) 25 Dec 1813 – 30 Dec 1882
Second US Delegate to Congress from Utah Territory (1859-61 ),Merchant. Co-founder with Horace S. Eldredge of Deseret National Banks.

Hunter, Edward (C-10-10–) 6/22/1793 – 10/16/1883
Third presiding Bishop, LDS Church, beginning in 1851. Counselor to Brigham Young for one year. Hunter on the west side of the valley was named after him.

Hunter, Howard W. (WEST-12-36-3-E) 14 Nov 1907 – 3 Mar 1995
14th President of L.D.S. Church, 5 June 1994-3 Mar 1995, shortest Presidency to date. Attorney.
Buried next to first wife, Clara Jeffs Hunter. Smallest marker of any LDS prophet.

Huntington, Lot (B-3, west of middle; location in data base [E-7-8–] is wrong; flat military stone.)
On Dec 31, 1861, Lot and 7 others beat Utah’s 3rd governor, John Dawson, almost to death at Ephraim Hank’s Mountain Dell Ranch. He, Moroni Clawson, and John P. Smith headed west, where Lot stole a horse from a Ward House in South Jordan as the members attended tithing settlement and a dance. Porter Rockwell caught up to the three at Faust’s Station, west of Camp Floyd and killed Lot. He brought the other two back to Salt Lake City, where they were reported shot trying to escape (Bill Hickman claims constable Bob Golden shot them from the front to hide evidence of his own involvement in the beating.) The burial of Moroni Clawson led to the discovery of the infamous grave robber, Jean Baptiste. The best research on Baptist is a BYU Studies article by Devitry-Smith, John, “The Saint and the Grave Robber” (1993), 33:1:7. Questions and answers as to why Lot was shot can be found in Utah State Historical Society’s Currents newsletters, August and October, 2000, Volume 50, Numbers 4 and 5.

Ivans, Anthony Woodward (C-5-17-1-NO2) 16 Sept 1852 – 23 Sept 1934
Headstone is a large petrified log. First Counselor to President Grant.

James, Jane Elizabeth Manning (A-11-8-4-E) 1813 – 20 Apr 1908
One of first blacks in Salt Lake, arrived with Mormon Pioneers in 1847. Member one of Salt Lake’s first free black families. Brother Isaac worked for Joseph Smith in Nauvoo. Devout Mormon.

Jennings, William (A-1—) 13 Sept 1823 – 15 Jan 1886
Utah’s first millionaire. Earned fortune in mercantile, freight and banking. His Eagle Emporium was located on the southwest corner of First South and Main Streets. A large clock on the sidewalk is located in front. Founding partner in ZCMI. Salt Lake Mayor, 1882-85. Achieved many firsts. Created Devereaux House.

Kimball, J. (Jonathan) Golden (N-3-6-2-E) 9 June 1853 – 2 Sept 1938
Humorous, colorful and outspoken, sometimes called the “Swearing Prophet”. In his early days he dropped out of school to become a mule skinner. Considered a folk hero. Son of Heber C. Member First Council of Seventy. Instrumental in getting LDS Church to maintain Kimball-Whitney Cemetery.

Kimball, Sarah Melissa Granger (E-12-14-2-E) 1819 – 12/4/1898
Began a society of women in Nauvoo to sew temple clothes for the workers, which led to Joseph Smith creating the Relief Society. She was a women’s rights advocate, a delegate to national women’s conferences. She was a relief society president 42 years, most of that time as a widow. She built the first Relief Society Hall on her property in the 15th ward. Realizing that the small sandstone marker that once marked her grave was gone, a Mia-maid class in one of the Avenue’s Wards of the LDS Church researched her life and secured a new marker.

Kimball, Spencer Woolley (WEST-13-44-3-WEST) 28 Mar 1895 – 5 Nov 1985
Twelfth President of the L.D.S. Church, 1973-85. Devoted to improving opportunities for Native Americans. Worked in banking, insurance and real estate. Also buried here is his beloved wife Camilla Eyring Kimball. Intelligent and independent, she was a role model for many. The stone has a piece of petrified wood on each side.

King, William Henry (F-4-14-2-E) 3 June 1862 – 27 Nov 1949
U.S. Congressman and Senator, 1916 – 1940. Attorney. Played a leading role in organizing the
Democratic party in Utah.

Kingsbury, Joseph T. (PARK-8-19-1-E) 4 Nov 1853 – 10 Apr 1937
President University of Utah, 1897-1916, Acting President 1892-94. Chemist, geologist, educator. Associated with the University for 60 years.

Kletting, Richard Karl August (X-2-41-1-W) 1 July 1858 – 25 Sept 1943
Dean of Utah Architecture. Designed many Salt Lake landmarks most notably the Utah State Capitol building and original Salt Air Pavilion. Organized the Utah Forestry Assoc. On uphill side of 325 N. 3/4 of way to 1150 E.

Knaphus, Torleif S. ((L-12-18-2-E) 14 Dec 1881 – 14 June 1965
Sculptor. Created handcart sculpture on Temple Square, pictured on stone.

Knight, Jesse Le Roy (PARK-17-8-1-W) 1879 – 1925
Mormon mining magnate in Tintic area. Known for “Humbug” mine. Owned more patented mining claims than anyone in the Intermountain West. Known as patron saint of BYU for his philanthropy.

Landau, Elliott D.[cremains] (WEST-14-57-5-E; tallest marker in area) 2/1925 – 5/28/1992
Received all his graduate degrees in New York City. Did post-doctoral studies at BYU, and taught at the U of U. He was an expert on child psychology and helped in the juvenile justice system. His radio show dispensed parental advice. He was loved by persons of all persuasions. He had his body cremated in memory of the Holocaust victims. The Mormon scripture, “The glory of God is intelligence” graces his marker.

Lambson, Alfred Boaz (A-9-8-4-E) 27 Aug 1820 – 26 Feb 1905
Designed and cut dies that were used to make the second set of coins for the Deseret Mint. John Kay cut the first set, which was not used much because of the softness of the metal and simple images.

Lawrence, Henry (D-5-4-1-W) 1836 – 4/9/1924
Partner of Kimball-Lawrence, a leading Salt Lake merchandising firm on the northeast corner of First South and Main Streets. He was a bishop’s counselor and city alderman. He was estranged by Zion’s temporal policies and joined the Godbeite dissenters in 1868.

Lee, Harold Bingham (WEST-6-76-1-E) 28 Mar 1899 – 26 Dec 1973
Eleventh President of the L.D.S. Church, 1972-73. Originator of the LDS Church’s welfare system. Salt Lake Co. Commissioner, Director Salt Lake Dept. of Streets & Public Improvements. Educator.

Little, Feramorz (J-9-1– ) 6/14/1827 – 8/14/1887
He married Charles Decker’s sister and went into business with Charles and Ephraim Hanks, making dozens of trips across the plains in a decade. He was first counselor to Bishop Wooley of 13th ward, vice president Deseret National bank; mayor; banker and capitalist. In 1860, he had a household of 20, real wealth of $30,000, and $3,000 of personal wealth. 2. In 1870, Feramorz had a household of 10, real wealth of $110,000 and $50,000 of personal wealth.

Lloyd, Sherman Parkinson (WEST-11-122-4-W) 11 Jan 1914 – 15 Dec 1979
United States Congressman. Utah State Senator, 4 terms. Assistant Director U.S. Information Agency. Banker, attorney.

Lund, Anthon Hendrick (N-13-3-1-E) 15 May 1844 – 2 Mar 1921
First Counselor to Presidents Joseph F. Smith and Heber J. Grant. Danish-born Apostle. Church historian, Scandinavian newspaper editor.

Maeser, Karl Gottfried (B-2-7-2-W1/2) 16 Jan 1828 – 15 Feb 1901
Founder and president of Brigham Young Academy, now BYU.

Martin, Edward (F-2-8–) 1/18/1818 – 8/8/1882
He was a corporal in Company C of the Mormon Battalion. He was also a photographer and Captain of the ill-fated 5th handcart company, 1856.

Maw, Herbert B. (WEST-1-12-3-E) 11 Mar 1893 – 17 Nov 1990
Eighth Governor of Utah, 1941-49. University of Utah Professor of Speech.

McConkie, Bruce Redd ((WEST-15-57-4-WEST) 29 July 1915-19 Apr 1985
Apostle under Presidents Lee and Kimball. Attorney. Scriptorian, theologian. Flat marker.

McDonald, J. G. [James Gailord Sr.] (PARK-7-1-3-E) 1866 – 3/27/1940
Owner of the J.G. McDonald Chocolate factory on 300 South (Block 50, two blocks east of Pioneer Park), now converted to condominiums.

McKay, David Oman (WEST-3-79-1-W) 8 Sept 1873 – 18 Jan 1970
Ninth President of the L.D.S. Church, 1951-70. As such, oversaw phenomenal church growth. Popular teacher, received many honors and awards. Loved to quote Shakespeare.

Mollerup, Joseph Andrew WEST-4-69-1-E) 10 Aug 1893 – 16 July 1978
Founder of successful moving company. Beautiful artwork on headstone.

Moyle, Henry D. (WEST-3-143-3-E) 22 Apr 1889 – 18 Sept 1963
First Counselor to President McKay. Attorney and educator.

Ottinger, George Martin (E-2-23-1-S2 E) 8 Feb 1833 – 29 Oct 1917
Painter of historical scenes, landscapes, seascapes and portraits. First art instructor at University of Deseret. One of his most famous paintings is The Last Ride of the Pony Express in 1861. Also an author.

Pack, John (B-14-14–) 5/20/1819 – 4/4/1885
1847 pioneer, one of 9 to explore the valley, Jully 22, helped to build Chase’s mill in Liberty Park, built the first dancing hall in Utah. In 1856 he helped to settle Carson Valley (Nevada) and was a member of the Deseret Agricultural and Manufacturing Society.

Park, John Rockey (G-3-11-1/2-SO) 7 May 1833 – 30 Sept 1900
First President of the University of Utah, 1869-1892. Founded as University of Deseret in 1850, the first University west of the Mississippi at his home, southwest corner of 2nd North and West Temple Streets, which also was where merchantman Livingston sold his first merchandise in the valley. Teacher, instrumental in organizing Utah State Teachers’ Assoc.

Penrose, Charles William (P-2-7-3-E) 4 Feb 1832 – 16 May 1925
Counselor to Presidents Joseph F. Smith and Heber J. Grant. Delegate from Ogden to Constitutional Convention. Feisty editor of the Deseret News and later Salt Lake Herald and was engaged in a long-running battle with the editors of the Salt Lake Tribune. Wrote a popular hymn, “O, Ye Mountains High” after joining the Church in England and before ever coming to Utah.

Petersen, Mark E. (U-22-11-2-WEST) 7 Nov 1900 – 11 Jan 1984
Apostle under Presidents Grant, G.A. Smith, McKay, J.F. Smith, Jr, Lee, Kimball and Benson. Newspaper editor prior to being named an Apostle. Known for talks on chastity and morality.

Phelps, W(illiam) W(ines) (H-3-10-ROD-NO) 17 Feb 1792 – 7 Mar 1872
L.D.S. Church printer. Composer of many Mormon hymns and other songs. Justice of the Peace. Speaker of Utah House of Representatives.

Pratt, Orson (I-2-13– ) 19 Sept 1811-3 Oct 1881
First Mormon to enter Salt Lake Valley, arriving 21 July 1847. Topographical engineer. Politician, scientist, mathematician and author. Apostle under Presidents J. Smith Jr., Young and Taylor. Member original Quorum of Twelve Apostles. Assigned to publicly declare polygamy a belief and practice of the LDS Church, 1852, and editor of the eastern newspaper, “The Seer,” to explain and defend the practice.

Rich, Nancy O’Neil (Park Plat, section 17, south half) 24 April 1782 – 5 Oct 1847
Memorial to first pioneer woman to die in Salt Lake, 3 days after arrival. Her body lay on Block 49 until discovered in 1986 and relocated to This is the Place Heritage Park.

Richards, Dr. Willard (H-4) 24 June 1804 – 11 March 1854
Founding Apostle and Second Counselor to Brigham Young. First Editor of Deseret News. Private secretary to Joseph Smith. Jailed with and witness to the deaths of Joseph and Hyrum Smith in Carthage, IL., 1847 Mormon pioneer. First Company. L.D.S. Church Historian and Recorder 1842-54.

Richards, Lee Greene (N-2-12-2-W) 27 July 1878 – 20 Feb 1950
Utah’s foremost portrait painter, including many of the apostles, whose portraits hang in the Museum of Church History and Art.

Richards, LeGrande (Q-16-5-3-W) 6 Feb 1886 – 11 Jan 1983
Apostle under Presidents McKay, J.F. Smith Jr., Lee and Kimball. Loved missionary work. Wrote the book, “A Marvelous Work and a Wonder.”

Richards, Louisa Lula Green (N-2-12-2-E) 8 Apr 1849 – 9 Sep 1944
First editor of Women’s Exponent, a tabloid established by Mormon women.

Richards, Louisa Lula Greene (N-113) 8 Apr 1849 – 9 Sept 1944
First editor of Woman’s Exponent, a tabloid established by Mormon women.

Rockwell, Orrin Porter (C-5-9–) 28 June 1813 – 9 June 1878
Controversial folk hero. Legendary frontier lawman, Deputy Marshall for the provisional State of Deseret(1849). Notorious gunman said to have participated in over 100 murders. Bodyguard of Joseph Smith, Jr. and Brigham Young. 1847 Mormon Pioneer, First Company. Probably the most visited grave in the cemetery.

Rockwood, Albert Perry (C-14-10–) 9 June 1805 – 25 Nov 1879
1847 Mormon Pioneer, First Company. Member First Council of the Seventy. General in Nauvoo Legion. Warden Territorial Penitentiary for 15 years. Beautiful stone carving.

Rogers, Aurelia Spencer (G-6-5-2-W) 1835 – 8/22/1922
Originator of the Primary organization in the LDS Church, which she began in the rock church in Farmington.

Savage, Charles R. (H-4-14-3-E2) 16 Aug 1832 – 4 Feb 1909
One of first photographers of Utah Territory scenic wonders and pioneer life. Most famous photo is the driving of the Golden Spike. Created “Old Folks” Day, enormously popular at the end of the 19th century.

Sharp, John (D-1-STEE–T) 1/0/1820 – 12/23/1891
Faced with a prison term, influential bishop of the Avenues’ 20th ward, he bucked trend in the fall of 1885 and gave up conjugal relationships with his polygamous wives in order to comply with the law of the land, for which he was asked to relinquish his calling as bishop, which he refused to do. A Church court upheld the ruling and he was ostracized, generally, by the church membership.

Shipp, Ellis Reynolds (I-16-9-2-W) 20 Jan 1847 – 31 Jan 1939
Second female doctor in Utah. Specialized in obstetrics and pediatrics. Delivered over 6,000 babies. Founded School of Nursing and Obstetrics in 1879, trained and licensed 500 midwives.

Slade, Jack (Joseph) (B-4, eastern half, flat marker) died 9 Mar 1864 (B—- )
Served in the war with Mexico. Freighter on Oregon Trail, 1850-58. Built Pony Express stations; hired Bill Cody. Superintendent of the Mountain Division and station master at Virginia Dale for Ben Holladay’s Overland Stage. Known to be a terror and killer. Alcoholic. Hanged by vigilantes in Milk River, Montana. His widow, Virginia Dale, pickled his body in whiskey and kept the metal coffin under her bed. After several months, she brought it by stage to Salt Lake City in a pauper’s section, apparently with intention of re-interring it later in the east. She never returned. Former sexton, Ben Russo, after completing research on Slade , persuaded the Army to provide a headstone, which was placed in 1980. It was replaced in 1984, with his regimental information and “Mexican War.” He was nominated in 1990 for a [Congressional] “Medal of Honor” for service during the Indian Wars.

Smith, George A.(I-5-1–) 26 June 1817 – 1 Sept 1875
First Counselor to President Young. 1847 Pioneer, First Company. Cousin to Joseph Smith (his father, John, and Joseph Smith, Sr. were brothers). St. George named after him.

Smith, George Albert (I-5-15-1-E) 4 Apr 1870 – 4 April 1951
Eighth president of the L.D.S. Church, 1945-51. Founding President of Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks Assoc. Helped organize American Pioneer Trails Association. Known for his compassion. Businessman. Politician. Grandson of George A. Smith.

Smith, John P. ( B-3-6–) 4/29/1834 – 1/16/1862 (See Huntington, Lot)

Smith, Joseph F. (PARK-14-12-2-E) 13 Nov 1838 – 19 Nov 1918
Sixth president of the L.D.S. Church, 1901-18. Son of Hyrum Smith. Held many government positions, business leader, teacher and farmer.

Smith, Joseph Fielding (PARK-14-14-1-EAST) 19 July 1876 – 2 July 1972
Tenth president of the L.D.S. Church, served 1970-72. Founded the Genealogical Society of Utah, which evolved into the LDS Church’s family history department. Wrote many books answering theological questions, all proceeds going to the genealogical society.

Smith, Mary Fielding (@B-15-12-5-W) 21 July 1801 – 21 Sept 1852
Legendary for life of faith and independence. Widow of Hyrum and mother of Joseph F. Smith.

Snow, Erastus (C-6-11– ) 9 Nov 1818 – 27 May 1888
L.D.S. Church Apostle under Presidents Young and Taylor. Scout for 1847 Mormon Pioneers. Second man to enter Salt Lake Valley, 21 July 1847, behind Orson Pratt. Opened the Scandinavian Mission, 1850. Helped organize State of Deseret. Farmer, teacher.

Spencer, Orson (E-8, south end) 14 Mar 1802 – 15 Oct 1855
First Chancellor of University of Utah Board of Regents. Teacher. Died in St. Louis.

Spry, William (PARK-34-3-1-EAST) 11 Jan 1864 – 21 Apr 1929
Third Governor of Utah, 1909-17. Administration noted for completion of Utah State Capitol building and the Joe Hill case. State legislator from Tooele. Commissioner in U.S. General Land Office.

Staines, William C. (A-8-13–) 26 Sept 1818 – 5 Aug 1881
Noted horticulturist. L.D.S. Church immigration agent in New York City. Established first landscaping in Salt Lake. Sold his home to William Jennings, who enlarged it, considerably, and called it Devereaux House.

Standing, Joseph (F-5-6–) 3 Oct 1854 – 21 July 1879
Monday morning, July 21, 1879, missionaries Rudger Clawson and Joseph Standing walked over to a Mr. Loggins, a distance of about one mile, to look after their clothing. While on their way back, as they were walking along the public road, near the line of Georgia’s Catoosa and Whitfield counties, they were suddenly surprised by an armed mob consisting of the following twelve persons, who compelled the Elders to accompany them through the woods to an isolated place. Benjamin Clark, a Baptist deacon, struck Elder Clawson a heavy blow with a club from behind, nearly felling him to the ground. This he attempted to repeat a few minutes later, but was prevented by another member of the gang. While passing a spring of water, Elder Standing requested to be permitted to get a drink, which was granted him. He was very pale, his features rigid and overspread with an expression of deep anxiety. While at the spring, James Faucett addressed the Elders as follows: “I want you men to understand that I am the captain of this party, and that if we ever find you in this part of the country, we will hang you by the neck like dogs.” The space of about one hour was consumed in conversation when three of the mobbers, who had left the party a few minutes before, rode up and one of them exclaimed: “Follow us.” Brother Standing, undoubtedly expecting that to follow him meant certain death, made some resistance, when a man who was near him pointed his pistol at him and fired. Elder Standing fell mortally wounded. Suddenly a member of the party, pointing to Elder Clawson, said, “Shoot that man.” Every gun was leveled at him and he calmly folded his arms and said with apparent deliberation, “Shoot.” The murderous wretches paused a moment, when the man who gave the first order suddenly changed his mind and shouted, “Don’t shoot.” Elder Clawson then walked over to his martyred companion, raised his head and placed his hat under it for a pillow. Turning to the murderers he said, “It is a burning shame to shoot a man down in this way and leave him to die in the woods; either go and get help, or let me go.” The mob permitted him to go. After his departure the gang fired a number of shots into the body of Elder Standing. Elder Clawson secured a casket and had the body encased, after which it was taken to Dalton, Georgia, by wagon and thence to Salt Lake City, accompanied by Elder Clawson. His large headstone was erected by the Mutual Improvement Association (MIA) of the Salt Lake Stake, 1880.

Stephens, Evan (N-3-7-3-C) 28 June 1854 – 27 Oct 1930
Utah’s most prolific composer, wrote many Mormon hymns and state song “Utah We Love Thee”. Director Mormon Tabernacle Choir, 1890-1916 and made it nationally-recognized. He never married.

Sundance Kid (NORTH-2-30-2-E) died 2 June 1955
Buried under the name Hiram Bebee, this is supposed to be the notorious Sundance Kid, partner of Butch Cassidy. Adjacent is a grave site for inmates who died at the Utah State Prison.

Talmage, James E. (D-3 or 4-) 21 Sept 1862 – 27 July 1933
Apostle under Presidents Joseph F. Smith and Heber J. Grant. Author of The Articles of Faith and Jesus the Christ. President of the University of Utah. Established Department of Domestic Sciences at U. of Utah in 1896 and U.S.U. in 1903.

Tanner, Nathan Eldon (I-14-5-1-E) 9 May 1898 – 27 Nov 1982
Second Counselor to Presidents McKay and Joseph Fielding Smith. First Counselor to Presidents Lee and Kimball. Canadian oil man and Canadian legislator.

Tanner, Thomas (North edge of I-16 or I-17) 31 Mar 1804 – 2 Aug 1855
Blacksmith, foreman of the Public (church) Blacksmith’s Shop. Made the metal covering for the wooden eagle atop the Eagle Gate downtown. Beautiful carvings on headstone, by William Ward, Jr., who also carved the lion for the lion house. The original was replaced a few years ago.

Taylor, John (F-11-9– ) 1 Nov 1808 – 5 July 1887
Third President of the L.D.S. Church, 1877-87. Known as “Living Martyr” for surviving the shooting at Carthage which took the lives of Joseph and Hyrum Smith. Canonized the Pearl of Great Price as scripture. Organized Mormon Battalion. Lay Methodist preacher before converting. Had 15 wives. Died in West Kaysville, while on the underground, hiding from federal authorities to avoid prison for practicing polygamy.

Thompson, Mercy R. Fielding (B-15-12-5-W) Jun 1807 – 15 Sep 1893
Sister to Mary Fielding Smith. Also, wife of Hyrum Smith.

Tullidge, Edward W. (I-12-14-4-) ca. 1829 – 21 May 1894
Historian most noted for writing History of Salt lake City. Editor, published Peep 0 Day magazine, (see Harrison). Leader in Godbeite Movement. Grave not marked.

Van Cott, Lucy May (PARK-1-21-4-E) 5 May 1869 – 28 Sept 1957
University of Utah’s first Dean of Women, 1907-31.

Wallace, Mary M. (C-6-4–) 8 Jan 1847-27 Sept 1848
Cemetery record lists her death date as 1847. Infant daughter of George B. and Melissa was the first person buried in the Salt Lake City Cemetery. Her birth place is listed as Winter Quarters, Indian Territory. Her brother George B. was the second burial.

Walters, Archer (F-10-7) 7/29/1809 – 10/14/1856
Kept a journal of the first handcart company under Edmund Ellsworth, and died 2 weeks after arriving in the valley. A new wooden marker identifies his and wife Harriet’s grave.

Weggeland, Danquart Anthon (K-17-10-1-E ) 31 Mar 1827 – 2 June 1918
Father of Utah Art. Artist known for scenes in Manti, St. George, Salt Lake and Logan L.D.S. Temples. Born in Norway, he had the same art training in Denmark as C.C.A. Christensen, who helped convert him.

Wells, Daniel Hanmer (H-3-9-1-E) 27 Oct 1814 – 24 Mar 1891
Joined the LDS Church in Nauvoo and fought in the battle of Nauvoo. He was in charge of the Mormon efforts to harass and stop Johnston’s Army of 1857 in the Utah War. Mayor of Salt Lake 1866 – 76. Established Dept. of Public Works. Attorney General State of Deseret 1849 – 50, later Chief Justice. Laid cornerstone of LDS Temple in 1853. Organized Utah Militia. Counselor to Brigham Young.

Wells, Emmeline B. Woodward H. Whitney (H-3-9-4-W) 29 Feb 1828 – 25 Apr 1921
Suffragette. Editor of the Women’s Exponent and founder of Utah Woman’s Press Club. Served almost 30 years as representative from Utah in National Woman’s Suffrage Association and National and International Councils of Women. President of L.D.S. Relief Society for almost 50 years. Plural wife of Newell K. Whitney until his death, then 7th wife Daniel H Wells. Hers is only female bust in Utah State Capitol Rotunda.

Wells, Heber Manning (J-1-5-3-W) 11 Aug 1859 – 12 Mar 1938
Son of Daniel H. Wells, he was the first Governor State of Utah, 1896 -1905.

Whaanga, Hirini [or Hirim] (S-36-5-1-E) 1828 – 1907
Chief and leader of a Maori tribe in New Zealand before coming to Salt Lake as an L.D.S. convert.

Whitney, Orson Ferguson (Q-8-11-1-E) 1855 – 1931
Author four-volume History of Utah. Strong supporter of Women’s Suffrage. Son of Newel K. Whitney, apostle.

Widtsoe, John Andreas (PARK-33-2-1-E) 31 Jan 1872 – 29 Nov 1952
Born in Norway, he became arguably the best soil and water scientist in the world at his time. . He was an expert on irrigation and introduced “dry farming” to the world. His works were translated into numerous languages. He was President of the University of Utah, the Utah Agricultural College (U.S.U.), and was an L.D.S. Apostle under Presidents Grant, G. A. Smith and McKay.

Williams, Albinia A. and Cyrema A. (C-1-11– ) died 17 May 1850 and 25 Oct 1853
This is the oldest maarker in the Salt Lake Cemetery. It was placed here in 1857 by Thomas S. in memory of his two infant daughters.

Winder, John Rex (D-5-15-2-W) 1849 – 2/14/1923
Businessman, Superintended the last few months of the Salt Lake Temple construction to meet the April deadline. Architect Joseph Don Carlos Young was sick. Became 2nd counselor to Pres. Joseph F. Smith.

Wire, Lester Farnsworth (P-9-13-3-E) 3 Sept 1887-14 Apr 1958
Allegedly invented the electric traffic light at First South and Main Streets, prior to WWI.

Woodruff, Abraham 0. (C-6-9-2-W) 23 Nov 1872 – 20 June 1904
Apostle under Presidents Woodruff, Snow and Joseph F. Smith. Banker. Son of Wilford. Apostle at young age, he accompanied the last group of Mormons on a settlement mission to the Big Horn Basin in Wyoming at the end of the 19th century. He died at age 31.

Woodruff, Wilford (C-6-10-1-E) 1 Mar 1807 – 2 Sept 1898
Fourth President of the L.D.S. Church, 1889-98. Oversaw completion of Salt Lake Temple and dedicated it. Served over 30 years as assistant L.D.S. Church historian, was key in writing official Church history, and establishing procedures for temple LDS temple work. 1847 Mormon Pioneer, First Company. Buried with his 5 wives; Phoebe W. Carter, Emma Smith, Sarah Stocking, Sarah Brown and Mary Jackson.

Woolley, Edwin Dilworth (D-10-2-ROD-NO) 28/1807 – 10/14/188
Congenial, but somewhat independent bishop of the 13th ward. He had the nicest ward house in the valley and offered its use to non-Mormons. Ancestor of church president, Spencer W. Kimball.

Young, (Harriet) Amelia Folsom (PARK-13-11-1-S2 C) 23 Aug 1838 – 11 Dec 1910
Her father, architect William Folsom, designed and built the Gardo House for her and Brigham Young. It was dubbed Amelia’s Palace. She was Brigham’s most frequent companion the last few years of his life. She bore him no children.

Young, Brigham Jr. (I-22-1-1-EAST) 18 Dec 1836 – 11 Apr 1903
Apostle and Counselor to Brigham Young. Prominent military leader in the Nauvoo Legion. Twin sister Mary died at age seven. Railroad builder. He was the next to live in the Beehive House, which he enlarged to the north.

Young, Clara Decker (I-22-4–) 22 July 1828 – 5 Jan 1889
Brigham Young’s 6th wife. One of three women in 1847 Mormon Pioneer First Company to Utah.

Young, Eliza Burgess (Babcock) (P-9-4-1-E) 8 Dec 1827 – 20Aug 1915
Brigham Young’s last wife to survive him.

Young, Emily Dow Partridge (I-1-9-5-EAST) 28 Feb 1824 – 9 Dec 1899
The daughter of Edward Partridge, the LDS Church’s first bishop, she was a widow of Joseph Smith, and became Brigham Young’s wife. She was mostly deaf in one ear, the consequence of a childhood disease. Steve Young is one of her descendents.

Young, Harriet Page Wheeler Decker (H-10-7-ROD-SO) 7 Sept 1803- 22 Dec 1871
One of three women who came with the 1847 Mormon Pioneer First Company to Utah. Buried next to 2nd husband, Lorenzo Dow Young (1807-1895), Brigham’s younger brother. She was fiercely independent and the source of many interesting pioneer stories and quotes. Her six Decker children played a significant role in pioneer Utah.

Young, Joseph Don Carlos (I-1-9-1-E) 6 May 1855 – 19 Oct 1938
First architect in Utah to receive formal training. Succeeded Angell as L.D.S. Church architect for 50 years. He made small, but significant changes to the design of the Salt Lake Temple, most noticeable being the deeply recessed windows. Brigham Young’s last surviving son.

Young, Lucy Bigelow (C-14-17-4-W) 3 Oct 1830 – 3 Feb 1905
Brigham Young’s wife. She wrote one of the best accounts of life as the wife of Brigham Young. It is full of little tidbits about pioneer life and life in the Young household, including his reactions to her rebellious daughters [one married a non-Mormon drunk]. She was one of the few wives of Brigham that lived at the Forest Farm House.

Young, Mahonri MacKintosh (I-1-8-3-W) 9 Aug 1877 – 2 Nov 1957
Brigham’s grandson, most remembered for his sculptures; This Is The Place Monument, the Temple Square Seagull Monument, Brigham Young statue in the Washington D.C. Capitol rotunda, statues on the Salt Lake Temple grounds.

Young, Zina Diantha Huntington (J-87) 31 June 1821 – 28 Aug 1901 (J-13-2-1-WEST)
Third General President of Relief Society; 33rd plural wife of Brigham; gift of tongues and interpretation. President of Deseret Silk Association which promoted sericulture in Utah.

Monuments and other items of interest

Arboretum (whole cemetery)
The cemetery boasts hundreds of trees, including scores of evergreens (spruces, pines, firs, and junipers). There is a huge copper beach tree located in the Jewish Cemetery. There are still a few places where families can secure permission to add a tree. Families buy and the cemetery plants the tree. My wife’s family added the first bristle-cone pine to the collection in 1999 in Plat X-5.

Christmas Box Angel (northwest corner, 350 N. and Center Streets)Christmas Box Angel
The Christmas Box Angel was introduced to the world in the book The Christmas Box, a world-wide bestseller and hit television movie by author Richard Paul Evans. In the book, a woman mourns the loss of her child at the bas of an angel monument. Though the story is mostly fiction, the angel monument once existed but is speculated to have been destroyed. The new angel statue was commissioned by Richard Paul Evans, in response to reports that grieving parents were seeking out the angel as a place to grieve and heal. The monument was dedicated on December 6, 1994 – corresponding with the date of the child’s death in The Christmas Box. (Coincidentally, Dec. 6th is celebrated in many parts of the world as Children’s Day.) At the request of Paul Byron and Salt Lake City Mayor Deedee Corradini, Salt Lake City donated the land on which the monument stands.

The 51″ tall sculpture is the creation of a father and son from Salt Lake City, Ortho and Jared Fairbanks, and modeled according to the description in Evans’ book. The face of the angel is that of Evan’s second daughter, Allyson-Danica. If you look closely you can find in the angel’s right (west) the word “hope.” Flowers, sent from around the world, adorn the base of the monument year round, accompanying notes left by parents for their “little angels.” A candlelight ceremony is held at the site every year on December 6, presided over by Richard Paul Evans. As of the end of 2001, there are 26 angel monuments across the U.S. The bronze statues cost $12,500.

Chinese Associations (West Plat, NE corner of 12 & west edge of 13)
Fireplaces for burning incense, messages, or a piece of clothing which is part of their religious tradition for honoring their dead.

Civil War Veterans Memorial Monument (west end of B-10)

Donated bodies to science, U of U medical school (West Plat, NE corner)
Monument remembers the more than 200 cremated bodies buried here that were used in medical training or research.

Pauper graves (Sections V & T, mostly, but also scattered throughout, including B-4 where Jack Slade is buried)

Gardner, Archibald (southwest section of D-9) 2 Sept 1814 – 8 Feb 1902
Monument to well-known businessman who built many grist mills, one of which is a historic site and shopping village in West Jordan. The monument is to Archibald and 5 of his wives. It also marks the final resting place of his 6 other wives, his parents, 16 children and 8 other family members.

Iron Workers Local 27 plot (located in section U-34) An iron arch marks the entrance to this plot where Union members are buried. There is also a monument to the International Association of Bridge, Structural and Ornamental Iron Workers. Only 25 graves are marked, all men, between 1909 – 1999. The plot is about 1/4 full.

Veteran’s Section (Y1, which is east of section S)
Veterans are scattered about and can be recognized with a standard flat or upright marker (used all over the world). This section contains only military markers. A monument to all veterans of foreign wars can be found just west in section S-24.

Orthodox Jewish section (southwest corner of North Plat)

Smith, Hyrum (Park Plat 14) 9 Feb 1800 – 27 June 1844
The tall obelisk Monument, similar to the one for his brother, Joseph Smith, in Sharon, Vermont, was erected by his descendants. Killed at Carthage, Illinois with his brother, June, 1844.

Good Cemetery Map for Sale

Linda K. Hilton a few years ago created a 1 ½ x 2 foot map of the Salt Lake Cemetery that identified 137 persons and 6 monuments, separated into 9 categories, such as prophets, pioneers, business, etc.. Each person is numbered and each group is color coded, making it easy to locate persons or categories. On the back side, each person is listed in alphabetical order along with a biographical sketch, some of which I used for the persons listed above. The map is no longer available in stores, but she still some that she will sell you directly. The cost is $5.95. She can be reached on her work phone at: 364-7765.

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