In 1855 the first group of Icelanders arrived in Utah and were advised to settle in Spanish Fork. There was a French company and a Milan family from Italy. Emigrants came from at least 6 foreign countries.
Of the 148 ships, which during the pioneer days crossed the Atlantic Ocean with Latter-day Saint emigrants from Europe to America: New York (57); New Orleans (78); Philadelphia (7); Boston (5); Quebec (1)
From 1841 to 1855, 17,463 immigrating saints arrived at the port of New Orleans in 79 companies, in charge of experienced Elders, and also a number of individuals, and small families, accompanying returning missionaries, who are not included in the above enumeration, landed at New Orleans. Several companies of missionaries going to Europe also sailed from the port of New Orleans. The inability of the Saints to endure the southern climate, as well as cholera and yellow fever, prevalent at that time, caused the port of entry to be discontinued in 1855. By this time it was discovered that the people from northern Europe could not endure the climate of the southern states; cholera and yellow fever caused the fatalities to become too numerous and so the plan was changed. They were landed at New York, Philadelphia and Boston, and from these seaport towns the journey was continued by rail to Iowa City or places where the railroad could be utilized.
During the years 1855 and 1857 Philadelphia was a port of entry for emigrating saints from Europe, about 1500 arriving there in four ships (“Isaac Jeans,” “Siddons,” “Juventa,” and “Chimborazo”) in 1855, and about 1200 in three ships (“Westmoreland,” “Tuscarora,” and “Wyoming”) in 1857.
Other Ships in 1955
Jan. 6, 1855 Liverpool Rockaway Samuel Glasgow 24 New Orleans
Jan. 7, 1855 Liverpool James Nesmith Peter O. Hansen 440 New Orleans
Jan. 9, 1855 Liverpool Neva Thomas Jackson 13 New Orleans
Jan. 17, 1855 Liverpool Charles Buck Richard Ballantyne 403 New Orleans
Feb. 3, 1855 Liverpool Isaac Jeans George C. Riser 16 Philadelphia
Feb. 27, 1855 Liverpool Siddons John S. Fullmer 430 Philadelphia
Mar. 31, 1855 Liverpool Juventa William Clover 573 Philadelphia
Apr. 17, 1855 Liverpool Chimborazo Edward Stevenson 431 Philadelphia
Apr. 22, 1855 Liverpool Sam. Curling Israel Barlow 581 New York
Apr. 26, 1855 Liverpool Wm. Stetson Aaron Smethurst 293 New York
* Misc. Liverpool 319 Misc.
Three hundred and seventy-five Danish Saints under the supervision of Peter O. Hansen arrived in St. Louis. “Elder Fullmer is entrusted with the special charge of the P. E. Fund passengers. Nearly all on board the Siddons, we are informed, are of that class—aged fathers and mothers about three score and ten, are announced as emigrants this season for the valley, by the P. E. Fund. It is thought the emigration will be rather late this year, in consequence of scarcity of ships to Philadelphia. We arrived at Atchison on the 9th of April. Atchison, was just laid off for a city, but there was only about 6 houses there then, and no landing for the boat, but we got off her alright. About one hour later 3 teams came to move us out 2 miles to make our first camp. We got to our camp and pitched our tent and in a few days felt quite at home. We had four more besides ourselves, making 8 in number. In a few days we commenced to work making a landing for boats and making streets. Some worked at saw mills and some at different types of work. We worked for about 6 weeks in Atchison. Charles, 15 or 16 years of age, in the company of 2 others went over on the other side of the river to work in Missouri. We was there one week and came back when the emigration commenced coming in boats. Every boat brought a load of saints till we soon numbered thousands and our company moved about 5 miles to Hickery Grove. We called it Mormon Grove and commenced working on the large farm. Some plowing, some planting corn, and some making a ditch around the farm. It is a beautiful farm, rich land. There was about 3,000 saints emigrated that year, 1855. There was 3 independent companies started before our company got ready. We were the first of the 13 pound company [Captain Richard Ballantyne]. Our relatives came in the second company. We started on our journey on the 27th of June. There was eleven accidents on the trip. Eight run over, 3 shot, 5 died.
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